Foto do Mario Zuany de perfil com seu cachorro no colo.

Mario Zuany

Software developer based in São Paulo

Hi, I'm Mario. A software developer based in São Paulo, currently working as a tech manager at Jüssi.

I'm a software developer with 15+ years of experience, mainly with web technologies, backend and frontend. I'm a human rights defender and LGBT 🏳️‍🌈 supporter. In my free time, I like to make some pizzas 🍕.

I manage an incredible team of developers at Jüssi 🇧🇷, and previously I worked as a full-stack developer with a talented group of people at Kooba 🇮🇪.

I'm also available to work as a freelance consultant.

Some clients I've worked with

Throughout my career, I have had the chance to work with these amazing clients and partners.